The purpose of this blog is to stress the importance of certain dietary stimulants with the importance to the human bodies health and how the product of dietary immune stimulants can be a “gamechanger” in todays society. Many different factors can come into play when it comes to humans and getting their dietary requirements, climate change is a factor to this as crop yield can be affected due to extreme rainfall or tempeture change which is affecting people and families.

What is Dietary Stimulants

Dietary stimulants are supplementations said to boost immunity and battle against infections, the basics of immune supporters are minerals and vitamins How important is diet for a healthy immune system? – BBC Food

What is the Purpose

Dietary stimulants, Why do we need them ?

Nutrients within these stimulants produce antioxidants which have a role of protecting the health cells and if these cells can be protected then the body can grow well and have a functioning immune system. Alongside this antibodies will be produced having a crucial role in fighting infection, sickness and viruses Nutrition and Immunity | The Nutrition Source | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Different roles of Stimulants

What are the main vitamins and minerals along with their functions ?

Vit A is said to be important for vision and growth which are both crucial aspects for children growing up alomg with supporting a generally good immune system. Vit C role is said to be an antioxidant therefor this helps to battle illness and reduce number of days a sickness lasts, essentially supporting immunity. Vit D ? if having low levels of vitamin D infections chances increase. Vitamin E helps to support repitory system and prevent respitory infections. Dietary Supplements for Immune Function and Infectious Diseases – Consumer (

Minerals have various roles, building material for bones, influencing muscle and nerve function, and regulating water balance however with this all said the main function is crucially the immune system. A sufficient apply of minerals can influence the possibility of infections and effects development of illnesses. The Role of Minerals in the Optimal Functioning of the Immune System – PMC (

The Relation of Dietary Immune Stimulants to Climate Change ?

Climate change can impact the diet in many ways which various factors contributing such as weather scenarios. Extreme rainfall and temperature change influencing crop yield however this will obviously impact more nations than others particularly Asia and Africa having reduced food availability.

Therefor because of this certain families with lower incomes are going to struggle more because off price increase of products, due to this people are then going to miss out on key nutrients to the body. Primarily the prices of crops are going to increase due to quality and quantity of food products decreasing. Climate change and nutrition-associated diseases | Nature Reviews Disease Primers

How are dietary Immune stimulants “Gamechangers”

Essentially climate change has led to some of the public leading to malnutrition being undernutrition requirments and increased obesity levels therefor having future health issues Climate change and nutrition-associated diseases | Nature Reviews Disease Primers.

With that being said these dietary immune stimulants have purposes essentially to help combat these illnesses and diseases produced from climate change actions.

Multivitamin supplementation is a way to fight against due to deficiency’s caused by long-term poor nutrition, typically it is said multivitamins contain 26 varied vitamins and minerals all with their own certain purposes . Therefor their is said to be many reasons why to supplement multivitamins especially if poorer families with lower incomes are eating a less balanced diet.Should I Take a Daily Multivitamin? | The Nutrition Source | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Refrences List

Fanzo, J.C. and Downs, S.M. (2021) Climate change and nutrition-associated diseases, Nature News. Available at: (Accessed: 02 February 2024).

How important is diet for a healthy immune system? (2023) BBC Food. Available at:,nuts%20and%20seeds%20are%20good%20sources%20of%20folate. (Accessed: 02 February 2024).

Nutrition and immunity (2022) The Nutrition Source. Available at:,greater%20risk%20of%20bacterial%2C%20viral%2C%20and%20other%20infections. (Accessed: 02 February 2024).

Office of dietary supplements – dietary supplements for immune function and infectious diseases (no date) NIH Office of Dietary Supplements. Available at: (Accessed: 02 February 2024).

Should I take a daily multivitamin? (2023a) The Nutrition Source. Available at: (Accessed: 02 February 2024).

Weyh, C., Krüger, K., Peeling, P. and Castell, L. (2022). The Role of Minerals in the Optimal Functioning of the Immune System. Nutrients, 14(3), p.644. doi:

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